Home » Economic Area of West African States (ECOWAS) and Arab Republic of Egypt discover opportunities for better teamwork in tranquility and safety

Economic Area of West African States (ECOWAS) and Arab Republic of Egypt discover opportunities for better teamwork in tranquility and safety

by addisurbane.com

The ECOWAS Compensation and the Arab Republic of Egypt are discovering the opportunity for better teamwork in tranquility and safety, in the direction of making West Africa a more secure and extra secure area on the continent.

This came forward when the Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria and ECOWAS H.E. Mohamed Fouad paid a politeness contact the ECOWAS Compensation’s Commissioner of Political Matters, Tranquility and Safety Dr. Abdel-Fatau Musa on the 16th May 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria.

Commissioner Musa mentioned that the operationalization of the ECOWAS counter terrorism Pressure is one such location where teamwork is required. He hinted that strategies are afoot to assemble an unique top on the future of local combination, also as the local organisation is functioning really tough to make certain that the increased geo-political rate of interests in the area do not result in proxy battles.

Specifying that ECOWAS has a whole lot to gain from Egypt on local tranquility combination, the Commissioner revealed that ECOWAS was opposed to the concept of withdrawal of Participant States from the Area due to the fact that such activities protested the concept of combination and frying pan Africanism.

Specifically, the Commissioner kept in mind that the ECOWAS Compensation was anticipating seeing just how Egypt can “support the effect of the characteristics of the existing happenings in Libya in such a method as can assure the security of the Sahel, having actually currently been developed that the Sahel is specifying our tranquility and safety atmosphere today”

Responding, Ambassador Fouad recognized ECOWAS as one of the most effective local financial neighborhood on the continent and kept in mind that although Egypt is not in West Africa, it bears in mind the closeness of the boundary locations of the area and the Maghreb.

Egypt, he emphasized is significantly disposed to having an all natural strategy to dealing with problems of terrorism, cross boundary criminal activities, instability and revolts.

He claimed Egypt’s teamwork with ECOWAS originates from good understanding and shared demands for capability structure and info exchange while both sides shared positive outlook that the experiences of Egypt would certainly be really important to the local peacekeeping, arbitration and combination initiatives of ECOWAS.

Dispersed by APO Team in behalf of Economic Area of West African States (ECOWAS).

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