Home » Eritrea: Message of Congratulations – Africa.com

Eritrea: Message of Congratulations – Africa.com

by addisurbane.com

President Isaias Afwerki sent out a message of congratulations in support of individuals and Federal government of Eritrea, along with on his very own part, to Head of state Cyril Ramaphosa, Head Of State of the Republic of South Africa, for his re-election and commencement momentarily term as the Head of state of the Republic of South Africa.

In his letter, Head of state Isaias revealed his trust fund that the re-election of Head of state Cyril Ramaphosa will certainly additionally progress the financial advancement and technical progression in the Republic of South Africa and will certainly improve reciprocal collaboration in the duration in advance. Head of state Isaias additionally desired healthiness to Head of state Cyril Ramaphosa, along with tranquility and success to the South African individuals.

Dispersed by APO Team in support of Ministry of Details, Eritrea.

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