Home » Preacher for Foreign Matters and Tourist, Sylvestre Radegonde gets Japanese Ambassador and Leader of seeing Japanese Training Armada

Preacher for Foreign Matters and Tourist, Sylvestre Radegonde gets Japanese Ambassador and Leader of seeing Japanese Training Armada

by addisurbane.com

The Preacher for Foreign Matters and Tourist, Mr Sylvestre Radegonde invited the Leader of the seeing Japanese Training Armada, Back Admiral NISHIYAMA Takahiro and Ambassador of Japan to Seychelles, H.E. Mr OKANIWA Ken at Maison Queau de Quinssy on Monday 17th June 2024.

Throughout the conference, the Preacher, Ambassador and Back Admiral traded on Seychelles and Japan’s historical collaboration in maritime protection, a partnership, of which Preacher Sylvestre Radegonde states the Seychelles federal government is really pleased.

To keep in mind, Japan contributed a patrol vessel in April 2023, which is presently being made use of by the Maritime Cops for security functions. Seychelles has actually additionally taken part in maritime protection seminars, workshops arranged by Japan and got technological help from Japan in this area.

Back Admiral NISHIYAMA Takahiro revealed his armada’s enthusiasm to have actually landed in Port Victoria in advance of the Constitution Day events on Tuesday 18th June, claiming they are expecting trading with their equivalents and participants of the general public. Seychelles is their second port of telephone call out of 11. The training armada is made up of 2 vessels, the JS Kashima and JS Shimakaze.

Ambassador OKANIWA and Preacher Sylvestre Radegonde additionally brought up on the upcoming 9th TICAD Ministerial Satisfying to be kept in Japan in August 2024 where they want to discover brand-new locations of collaboration for both nations.

Dispersed by APO Team in support of Ministry of Foreign Matters and Tourist– Foreign Matters Division, Republic of Seychelles.

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