Home » Recognition Workshop of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Resource and Power Performance (ECREEE) Sex Mainstreaming Technique and Activity Strategy 2023-2027 

Recognition Workshop of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Resource and Power Performance (ECREEE) Sex Mainstreaming Technique and Activity Strategy 2023-2027 

by addisurbane.com

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Resource and Power Performance (ECREEE) held a recognition workshop for the ECREEE 2023-2027 Sex Mainstreaming Technique and Activity Strategy Record the 9 Might 2024 in Praia. This task sustained by GIZ as component of Program Advertising a Climate-friendly Power Market in West Africa (ProCEM-II).

This recognition workshop united all ECREEE personnel with the engagement of a delega-tion from the ECOWAS Centre for Sex Growth (CDCG) led by its Supervisor and the Gen-der centerpiece of the ROGEAP task.

The workshop’s primary goal was to confirm the ECREEE’s 2023-2027 Sex Technique and Activity Strategy amongst the significant stakeholders, that included professionals, and supporters in the areas of renewable resource and sex equal rights. The occasion additionally gave a possibility to advertise awa-reness and train ECREEE and Sex Prime focus personnel.

At the opening event, the executive supervisor of ECREEE, Mr. Francis Sempore, stressed the relevance of mainstreaming sex factors to consider right into power plans and tasks, un-derscoring that sex equal rights is not simply an issue of social justice; it is additionally vital for attaining lasting growth and making best use of the effect of renewable resource and ener-gy effectiveness efforts.

Mrs. Sandra Oulate, supervisor of the ECOWAS Centre for Sex Growth (CDCG), revealed the complete dedication of the Centre to sustain ECREEE in applying its Sex Mainstreaming Technique and Activity Strategy at the local degree, as the record converts the dedication of ECOWAS in advertising sex delicate plans and efforts.

The workshop worked as a system for stakeholders to supply important understandings, comments, and suggestions to boost the performance and importance of the Sex Mainstreaming Technique. Individuals took part in dynamic conversations, sharing finest techniques, success tales, and ingenious methods to progressing sex equal rights within the renewable resource industry.
A record was pre-approved by the National Gender-Energy Focal Details of the Ministries of Power of ECOWAS Participant States throughout an on-line workshop on 8 Might 2024.

Dispersed by APO Team in behalf of Economic Area of West African States (ECOWAS).

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