Home » Samsung’s operating revenue rises 930% as AI tailwinds drive need for memory chips

Samsung’s operating revenue rises 930% as AI tailwinds drive need for memory chips

by addisurbane.com

Samsung Electronic devices said on Tuesday that its operating revenue rose greater than 930% in the very first quarter of 2024, driven by skyrocketing need for its web servers, memory chips and storage space made use of in AI applications.

The business, which struggled in 2023 as the macroeconomic slowdown hurt demand for its products, claimed its memory chip company went back to success, and costs remained to climb, many thanks to strong need for DRAM and NAND chips, high-density SSDs and web servers.

Samsung claimed complete earnings enhanced 12.8% to KRW 71.2 trillion ($ 52.2 billion) in the quarter from a year previously, while web revenue climbed 330% to KRW 6.75 trillion ($ 4.88 billion) contrasted to a year previously. Operating revenue enhanced to KRW 6.61 trillion ($ 4.77 billion) in the quarter from KRW 640 billion (concerning $462 million) a year previously.

Samsung’s semiconductor company drove the mass of the renovation, with sales in the department climbing to KRW 23.14 trillion ($ 16.71 billion) in the very first quarter, up from KRW 13.73 trillion ($ 9.92 billion) a year previously, driven by solid need for DDR5 chips and storage space made use of for AI web servers. The department reported an operating revenue of KRW 1.91 trillion ($ 1.3 billion) in the quarter, contrasted to an operating loss of KRW 4.58 trillion ($ 3.3 billion) in the very first quarter of 2023, and an operating loss of KRW 2.18 trillion ($ 1.57 billion) in the 4th quarter of 2023.

Mass manufacturing strategies in 2024

Samsung has actually liked satisfying the raising calculate power requirements of generative AI and the web servers required to hold the hills of information that versions are educated on. The business in 2014 claimed it would certainly increase down on creating high-bandwidth memory (HBM) chips that are made use of in AI, 5G, the Net of Points (IoT), visuals handling applications, online truth and increased truth systems. These chips supply faster information handling and reduced power usage contrasted to the conventional NAND memory chips.

In line keeping that aspiration, Samsung on Tuesday claimed it has actually started manufacturing high-performance memory chips, like HBM3E 8H (8-layer) DRAM, along with V9 NAND chips, normally used in business web servers, AI and cloud gadgets. The business claimed it likewise means to create HBM3E 12H (12-layer) contribute the 2nd quarter of this year.

Samsung is the globe’s biggest memory chip manufacturer and takes on Micron and SK Hynix, an Oriental memory chip manufacturer, on the market for HBM chips. Micron kicked off its automation of 8-layer HBM3E semiconductors in February, and last month at Nvidia’s GTC 2024, SK Hynix said it had also started mass producing HBM3E chips.

As for its shop company, Samsung claimed its advancement of 3-nanometer and 2-nanometer AI chips is “advancing efficiently.”

Optimistic forecast

Samsung prepares for need will certainly stay solid in the 2nd fifty percent of this year, buoyed by raising fostering of generative AI.

” In the 2nd fifty percent of 2024, company problems are expected to stay favorable with need– generally around generative AI– holding solid, in spite of ongoing volatility connecting to macroeconomic patterns and geopolitical concerns,” the business claimed in a declaration.

” For web servers and storage space, the continual boost in the supply of AI web servers and succeeding growth of linked cloud solutions will certainly raise need not just for HBM, yet likewise for standard web servers and storage space services. Need for mobile is anticipated to be secure in the quarter, while computer clients are forecasted to be impacted by sluggish seasonality, making them most likely to change their supplies in advance of brand-new item launches in the 2nd fifty percent of the year,” the business claimed.

2 weeks back, the Biden administration agreed to honor Samsung approximately $6.4 billion in straight financing under the CHIPS and Scientific research Act to establish semiconductor manufacturing facilities in Texas.

The give will certainly allow the South Oriental digital titan to establish groundbreaking chips by buying 2 brand-new reasoning chip plants, an R&D center, a sophisticated product packaging center in Taylor, and its existing center growth near Austin. Micron and TSMC also are readied to obtain gives to boost residential semiconductor manufacturing.

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