Home » Secretary-General designates James T. Robot of Nigeria United Nations Local Planner in Comoros

Secretary-General designates James T. Robot of Nigeria United Nations Local Planner in Comoros

by addisurbane.com

United Countries Secretary-General António Guterres has actually selected James T. Robot of Nigeria as the United Nations Local Planner in Comoros, with the host Federal government’s authorization. His begin day is tomorrow.

Mr. Robot has greater than twenty years of experience in altruistic events and reaction, advancement, job monitoring, company advancement and peacekeeping. He presently functions as Head of Solution of Civil Matters in the United Nations Company Stablizing Objective in the Autonomous Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). Before this, Mr. Robot headed the Alleviation, Reintegration and Security Area of the United Nations Objective in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Prior to signing up with the United Nations, he operated in the African area with non-governmental companies, consisting of treatment International, Oxfam GB and Médecins Sans Frontières.

He holds a regulation level from the College of Jos, Nigeria, and a master’s level in civils rights and democratization from the European Inter-University Centre in Venice, Italy.

Dispersed by APO Team in behalf of United Nations Secretary-General.

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