Home » Somalia: Foreign Priest Leads Effort to Update Ministry Procedures

Somalia: Foreign Priest Leads Effort to Update Ministry Procedures

by addisurbane.com

The Priest of Foreign Matters and International Participation, H.E. Amb. Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, chaired a session on Tuesday at the ministry head office in the funding city of Mogadishu, collected with the ministry’s division supervisors and the Permanent Assistant, concentrating on executing tactical reforms to boost functional performance.

Throughout the session, Priest Fiqi revealed enthusiastic strategies to improve historical and consular solutions, stressing digitization and performance improvements, including innovative innovation to satisfy developing requirements. Highlighting the importance of reciprocal and multilateral relationships, he laid out methods to enhance political, safety, financial, and social bonds, while developing thorough files on concerns and schedules connected to local and worldwide national politics.

Priest Ahmed Moallim Fiqi worried the significance of precise paperwork by promoting for the archival of results from exterior involvements, guaranteeing complete follow-up and execution. He likewise promoted development and efficiency as vital columns for attaining polite success, inevitably strengthening Somalia’s international standing.

Dispersed by APO Team in support of Ministry of Foreign Matters and International Participation– Federal Republic of Somalia.

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