Home » The Economic Area of West African States (ECOWAS) Regional Competitors Authority (ERCA) on an objective in Côte d’Ivoire to distribute Area Arrangements on Competitors and Customer Security

The Economic Area of West African States (ECOWAS) Regional Competitors Authority (ERCA) on an objective in Côte d’Ivoire to distribute Area Arrangements on Competitors and Customer Security

by addisurbane.com

A delegation from ECOWAS/ERCA led by Mrs Massandje Toure-Litse, Commissioner for Economic Matters and Farming, come with by the Exec Supervisor of ARCC, Dr Simeon Konan KOFFI and reps of the National Competitors Payment, held an info and a sensitisation session with nationwide stakeholders concerning Area stipulations on competitors and customer security, in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on 29 and 30 April 2024.

While in Côte d’Ivoire, the ECOWAS objective met elderly authorities from ministries, federal government divisions and companies, company organisations, expert organisations, merchants’ organisations, the Chamber of Business and Market and customer organisations. The ECOWAS objective oriented all these stakeholders on ERCA’s required, its extent of treatment and its major recurring tasks, and provided the different lawful and functional tools for executing Area guidelines on competitors and customer security.

Commissioner Massandje Toure-Litse and the ECOWAS professionals likewise went over the structure for cooperation and exchange with the Participant States, especially in regard to market research studies and studies, information collection, monitoring and sharing, along with capacity-building and assistance for stakeholders.

For recommendation, ERCA, in cooperation with the nationwide competitors authorities and various other nationwide stakeholders, performs market research studies for getting a much better understanding of the industries worried, existing and possible consumers and their sights on procedures in these markets, the regulative atmosphere and contending services and products.

ERCA likewise has a Competitors Info System with a nationwide part for the collection and monitoring of normal, dependable, constant and lasting details. The ECOWAS Competitors Info System (ECIS) can supply information for keeping track of competitors at the ECOWAS degree, consisting of examining the repercussions of anti-competitive techniques on the local market along with the financial and social passion of customers.

Furthermore, to videotape and improve the collection and handling of grievances, recommendations to ERCA are promoted by its Digital Competitors Info System (ECIS) with the grievances monitoring system, available by means of its internet site www.erca-arcc.org. A participation contract in between ECOWAS/ERCA and each Participant State is under prep work.

Lastly, in order to rationalize the activities of the ECOWAS and UEMOA Compensations in competitors issues and to guarantee efficient and systematic execution of Area competitors plan within the area, both Compensations, with their competitors authorities, ERCA and the UEMOA Competitors Directorate, hold normal appointments and have actually ended a Participation Contract.

Dispersed by APO Team in behalf of Economic Area of West African States (ECOWAS).

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