Home » The Unique Rep of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Simão wrapped up a five-day goal to Mauritania, emphasized the relevance of relaxed and comprehensive Governmental political elections to enhancing great administration and tranquility

The Unique Rep of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Simão wrapped up a five-day goal to Mauritania, emphasized the relevance of relaxed and comprehensive Governmental political elections to enhancing great administration and tranquility

by addisurbane.com

The Unique Rep of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Workplace for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Leonardo Santos Simão, wrapped up the other day a five-day browse through to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

As component of the great workplace tasks of the Unique Rep, the purpose of this go to was to seek exchanges with the Mauritanian authorities and various other principals to more enhance the collaboration with the United Nations, specifically in the run-up to the governmental political election set up for June 29. The go to was likewise a chance to exchange sights on local tranquility and protection problems, specifically in the context of Mauritania’s presidency of the African Union.

Throughout his go to, the Unique Rep was gotten in target market by H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, Head Of State of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. He likewise had a collection of conferences with participants of the federal government, consisting of the Priest of Foreign Matters, Teamwork and Mauritanians Abroad, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug; the Priest of the Inside and Decentralization, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Ould Mohamed Lemine; and the Priest of Social Activity, Youth and the Household, H.E. Mr. Savia Mint N’Tahah.

The Unique Rep likewise consulted with Mr. Diallo Mamadou Bathia, Head Of State of the Constitutional Council; Mr. Dah Ould Abdel Jelil, Head Of State of the Independent National Electoral Compensation; Ms. Diyé Bachelor’s Degree, Head Of State of the National Political Election Surveillance Observatory; Mr. Bouna El Hassen, Head Of State of bench Organization; governmental prospects and political gamers, civil culture reps, consisting of young people and ladies’s companies, in addition to reps of the political celebrations; Bouna El Hassen, Head Of State of bench Organization; governmental prospects and political stars; reps of civil culture, significantly young people and ladies’s companies; in addition to the polite corps and the United Nations nation group.

In his numerous conferences, the Unique Rep commended the leading duty played by Mauritania for tranquility and security in the Sahel and the sub-region. He contacted the Mauritanian authorities and stakeholders to seek their initiatives to participate in discussion and cooperation in order to settle autonomous gains and enhance Mauritania’s lasting growth and success. Hereof, the Unique Rep emphasized the relevance of relaxed and comprehensive governmental political elections, which will certainly add to enhancing great administration and tranquility.

Prior to leaving the resources Nouakchott, the Unique Rep saw an evacuee facility, kept up the assistance of the United Nations Evacuee Company (UNHCR), where he held conversations with teams of ladies and young evacuees.

The Unique Rep of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel declared the assistance of the United Nations and the worldwide area for Mauritania’s initiatives to settle tranquility and freedom.

Dispersed by APO Team in behalf of United Nations Workplace for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS).

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